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Download our onepager on front opening unified pods (FOUP) - high accuracy and reliable gas purging control for wafer handling for free.
Important tool for storing semiconductor chips and an integral part of the cleanroom environment
FOUPs are purged and filled with nitrogen to provide a controlled environment in which wafers are stored. Other gases can also be injected for pre-treatment steps in finer structures (e.g GAA and 3 nm nodes)
FOUPs continuously monitor parameters such as humidity, oxygen and AMCs (airborne molecular contaminants) to avoid particle deposition and oxidation on the surface of wafers
Automation ensures that the wafers reach the individual cleanroom tools safely. At the same time, the risks of incorrect handling are minimized. This ultimately increases throughput by optimizing the manufacturing processes.
Download our onepager on front opening unified pods (FOUP) - high accuracy and reliable gas purging control for wafer handling for free.
Download our onepager on front opening unified pods (FOUP) - high accuracy and reliable gas purging control for wafer handling for free.
FOUP onepager