What was the recruitment process like when you applied to Sensirion?
I applied to Sensirion after speaking to someone from the company’s HR department at the OST career fair. I’d only heard good things about the company, which gave me extra motivation to apply. I was invited to Stäfa for an interview with my superior at the time and a person from HR. They started by asking a few questions about me and then asked various technical questions. Afterwards, I was taken on a tour of the buildings and got to meet all my teammates over a coffee. That’s what I really like about Sensirion, particularly in comparison to other companies: you feel well connected and integrated into the team right from the start.
What does your day-to-day work at Sensirion look like now?
It’s very varied; every day can be different, depending on the status of the projects. There are usually four project development stages. The first is the “R&D” or “assembly” stage, in which we develop the first pieces of testing equipment ourselves. It is in this stage that parts are ordered and initial tests are carried out in order to gain insights that will be used in the production process. The next step is the coordination stage that involves working together with the various technology groups within Sensirion to develop the final piece of equipment. This is followed by the testing stage, in which everything comes together and is tested: the equipment, the software and the sensor to be produced. The next stage is my favorite: data analysis. This stage helps to rectify problems that have been discovered in the process or product and ensures that everything runs as intended.
At Sensirion, we always give 200% because top performance is one of our company’s three values. It’s also important to mention that I had full responsibility for my own projects from the very beginning, which was challenging but also a lot of fun for me. At the end of the day, you are in a position to make a positive difference and influence the products of the future.
What do you like most about Sensirion?
The teamwork with my colleagues. They are always very inspiring and warm. The people who work here are open, communicative and helpful. The second company value, “teamwork”, is really put into practice here. The flat hierarchy is also something I really like. It means that I can not only have a friendly relationship with my colleagues but also with my superior – and I feel that I can talk to him about everything. What’s more, our technology in the field of data analysis is always up to date, which is why I would describe Sensirion as a very modern company.
Which project are you particularly proud of?
I can describe it roughly. A new piece of equipment for a new particulate matter sensor needed to be developed, and I was able to take part in the project. A completely new approach was used. I really enjoyed it because I had a lot of responsibility. The use of this approach was also a milestone in the context of particulate matter sensor technology.
What advice would you give to young people who are currently studying or finishing their studies?
Don’t be afraid and dare to implement your own ideas and make a difference with them. Instead of weighing everything up, it’s better to just do things, to act. Apply to Sensirion. We have over 60 vacancies, including process engineer roles in my team. I would be delighted to welcome you to my team.
Would you say that your studies prepared you well for the world of work?
Yes, definitely. In practice, I only apply 10 % or 20 % of the theory I learned, but my studies allowed me to develop a general understanding of numbers and analytical thinking. My apprenticeship as a physics lab technician, which I did before my studies, was also very helpful. Because I had done that, I was already familiar with the practical work carried out in a production company. For students without practical experience, I would recommend an internship as an introduction to the working world.