Digital health

Patient-focused sensor technology is shaping the future of healthcare

Patients interact with various devices/services connected to the PMS, that processes and centralizes available information
PMS provides patient data used by healthcare providers for diagnosis, treatment and management / by payers to bill for services

Want more detailed information?

Download our latest article on digital health for free. Our expert Haykel Ben Jamaa provides an in-depth understanding of digital health itself and the importance of sensor technology.

Want more detailed information?

Download our latest article on digital health for free. Our expert Haykel Ben Jamaa provides an in-depth understanding of digital health itself and the importance of sensor technology.

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  • >15 Mio.

    patients whose breathing our sensors monitor in hospitals and at home

  • 23 years

    of experience in developing sensing solutions for medical applications

Our expertise

  • Global presence

    Sensirion is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality sensors and is present all over the world.

  • Increasing efficiency

    We develop high-tech sensor solutions that allow efficient and sustainable energy management.

  • Improving health

    Our sensing solutions enable the continuous optimization of medical examinations and treatments.

  • Ensuring safety and comfort

    With the help of Sensirion sensors, you are bringing safety, comfort and well-being to all areas of your life.

  • Innovation pioneer

    We are constantly trying out new things, pushing boundaries and setting new standards with our ground-breaking technology.

  • Quality and reliability

    Our sensing solutions ensure maximum reliability for the most demanding applications.

Contact our digital health expert

Contact our digital health expert

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