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Development board with VOC sensor SGP30 and humidity sensor SHTC1

The Sensirion Environmental Sensor Shield (ESS) is a sensor shield that features our SHTC1 humidity and temperature sensor along with a SGP30 total VOC sensor and CO²eq sensor. It has been designed to be used with any reference design that supports I²C, and follows the Arduino footprint, which has been adapted by a lot of reference designs and development kits. For boards using the Arduino footprint, the board can simply be plugged in by aligning the pin headers and pushing down. For boards that don’t follow the Arduino footprint, there’s two possibilities: the first it to use an adapter board (those are available for example for Raspberry Pi, or 96boards), or simply to use four cables and connect the four pins on the back of the ESS to the corresponding ports on the reference design. The pins are labelled on the back of the ESS, and represent the I²C signal, i.e. VCC, SCL, SDA and GND. The ESS can work with both 3.3V and 5V designs.


Smart sensors for your application

Sensirion's sensor solutions are used in a wide range of applications and markets. Our reliable environmental and flow sensors improve energy efficiency, increase health and ensure safety and comfort.