Sensirion selected Debrecen to handle the growing demand for sensors after a comprehensive evaluation of potential locations throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Decisive factors in selecting a location were proximity to our customers in Europe, the education level of potential employees and support from local partners. The Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) and the Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center (EDC) have strongly supported Sensirion with a detailed site evaluation and planning, and the identification of local implementation partners.
“Debrecen’s excellent infrastructure, especially education facilities such as the University of Debrecen and the vocational training institutions, combined with an established industrial base, was the decisive factor in Sensirion choosing to establish a new production site there,” says Patrick Good, Director Maintenance & Infrastructure at Sensirion.
“I am very pleased to be taking on this opportunity for Sensirion in my new position as General Manager and am extremely motivated to lead the new site in Hungary to success,” says Laszlo Abraham, General Manager at Sensirion Hungary Kft.
The new site will be built over the next 12 months, starting with the groundbreaking event on June 30, 2020. Completion of construction and the subsequent start of production are anticipated by the third quarter of 2021.
Initially, about 50 new jobs will be created. Starting in 2022, the Debrecen Sensirion team will add newly engineered products and production technologies to its portfolio. It is expected that by 2025, the number of jobs will have increased approximately fourfold. As the Debrecen site serves to expand production capacity, it will not affect any jobs at the existing Sensirion production sites in Switzerland, China and South Korea.
“I’m very excited that we’ve found an ideal location for our new production site to expand our production capabilities and respond to the increasing demand for sensors in various markets. Our existing production sites and employees at our current sites are not affected by this,” says Johannes Bleuel, VP Operations.
Talented people from a variety of technical disciplines including process engineering, material science, chemical and electrical engineering, automation and mechanical engineering are key for the long-term development of Sensirion globally and in Debrecen. Sensirion is at the forefront of innovation and continues to invest strongly in research and development (24% of revenue in 2019). As a result, new products and solutions are constantly being developed and the new site in Debrecen will be active in a highly dynamic and technologically challenging business environment.