The invitation and agenda for the Annual General Meeting is available on the Sensirion website at: Shareholders may exercise their voting rights by authorizing, and submitting voting instructions to, the Independent Proxy.
Re-election of the Board of Directors
As previously announced, Mr. Heinrich Fischer will not stand for re-election as member of the Board of Directors of Sensirion Holding AG. The Board of Directors proposes to re-elect both Co-Chairmen, Mr. Moritz Lechner and Mr. Felix Mayer, as well as the other members of the Board of Directors, Ms. Ricarda Demarmels, Mr. François Gabella, Ms. Anja König and Mr. Franz Studer for a term of office until completion of the next Annual General Meeting. In addition, the Board of Directors proposes to elect Mr. François Gabella as member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. Subject to election or re-election at the Annual General Meeting, the committees of the Board of Directors will be composed as follows:
Nomination and Compensation Committee
― Felix Mayer (Chairman)
― Moritz Lechner
― François Gabella
Audit Committee
― Ricarda Demarmels (Chairwoman)
― Anja König
― Franz Studer
Independent Directors' Committee
― Ricarda Demarmels (Chairwoman and Lead Independent Director)
― Mr. François Gabella
― Anja König
Renewal of the authorized share capital
As previously announced, the Board of Directors proposes to renew the authorized share capital of CHF 145,581.70 for a period of two years until 16 May 2024.