

Envisioning a future with an increased quality of life

We increase the quality of life through our innovative sensor technology, which plays a crucial role in various aspects of daily life. Our sensors contribute to a healthier, more comfortable, and efficient future. Our commitment to advancing technology for better living enriches the lives of people around the world by promoting safety, comfort, and sustainability.

Miniaturized CO₂ sensor

Thanks to their ultra-compact design, our CO₂ sensors can be easily installed anywhere in a building or ventilation system without taking up much space. This allows them to precisely measure carbon dioxide levels exactly where it matters most.


全球每生产三辆汽车就有一辆安装了Sensirion传感器, 防止挡风玻璃起雾妨碍驾驶员视线。

Heiko Ulmer General Manager SAS Sensirion Automotive Solutions
